The new edition of The Laughing Princess is illustrated by Shirley MacKenzie. Visit her site at http://www.shirleymackenzie.com. The music that played while I wrote The Laughing Princess was by Kim Robertson. Visit her site at www.kimrobertson.net. The ceramic sculpture of the dragon Aina-Lani Kahu-Wellan is by Pamela Nagley Stevenson. Visit her site at www.pamelanagleystevenson.com. My champion, mentor and the writer who believed I could write is Spider Robinson. Visit his site at www.spiderrobinson.com.
Explore the Laughing Princess
- Fairy stories, dragons, mythical beasts, and the like
- The text of the first story, “The Littlest Dragon“
- Links to podcasts of all 12 stories, free!
- Acknowledgement and links to the websites of people who inspired The Laughing Princess
- Links to where you can purchase copies of The Laughing Princess