Where to Buy

Browse Seymour Hamilton’s books on Amazon, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, Amazon Australia.

Or at Chapters Indigo.

Or, if you are an audiobook listener, visit Scribl and buy the audiobook and you get the e-book free.   

Best of all, you could purchase Seymour’s novels at these absolutely splendid, perceptive, author-friendly, independent bookstores:

Paperback – in store:
  • Collected Works Bookstore 1242 Wellington Street West, Ottawa, ON, 613.722.1265
  • The Box of Delights, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, boxofdelightsbooks@gmail.com (902) 542-9511, https://www.boxofdelightsbooks.com
  • Endless Shores, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, endlessshores@yahoo.ca,  (902) 665-2029, http://www.endlessshoresbooks.com
  • Baintons Mad Hatter Bookstore, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, hollyesanford@gmail.com, (902) 532-2070, http://www.baintons.ca/books.htm
  • Librarie Michabou in the Galeries d’Aylmer, Aylmer, Quebec.
  • From the Horse’s Mouth
  • You can also purchase books in hard copy directly from, me, Seymour Hamilton by emailing me at Colophon@storm.ca..  I’ll have to ding you for the postage if you’re not living somewhere close enough that we can meet for coffee. Don’t forget to include the name by which you like to be called, so that I can write something nice on the fly leaf!
  • Amazon does its own thing with a curious and unpredictable algorithm, so… Here are the prices from me.
  • The Astreya Trilogy $15 each, $35 for the set of three
  • The Hippies Who Meant It, $15
  • River of Stones, $12
  • Ellie, $12
  • Angel’s Share $10
  • The Laughing Princess $15. Includes an mp3 file, read by me. If you decide to go the Amazon route, make sure you buy the ILLUSTRATED version.

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Tales of Rebels and of the Sea. Also, stories about Dragons.